Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Im did my project and tried to add many detail for the project to make sense. I added pictures detail and quotes. I made a brochure and added many colors to make it colorful and for it to standout.

Monday, November 7, 2011


1. We have a rule which is to have proper etiquette.
2. Our class has to have great conduct.
3. Everybody has courtesy online.
4. Flames are bad things online people write.
5. People troll online.
6. Theres many people online that are anonymous.
7. People send each other emoticon on in messages.
8. Its very obvious on what they had to do.
9. They way her tone sounded wasn't very happy.
10. We use sms.
11. The questions were ethical.
12. They were unethical.
13. It's legal to do things like that online !
14. We have many type of searches like boolean search.
15. We have acess to the url.